The advantages of #DripIrrigation are as follows:
-Water is used at maximum level.
-As water is applied locally and leaching is reduced, fertilizer/nutrient loss is minimized.
-Weeds can not absorb water as no water is available for them.
-Yield of crops are maximum.
-Fertilizers can be used with high efficiency.
-Weed are grown in less number.
-Operational cost is low.
-Soil erosion is not taken place.
-Soil infiltration capacity is increased.
Have you tried it?
The advantages of #DripIrrigation are as follows: -Water is used at maximum level. -As water is applied locally and leaching is reduced, fertilizer/nutrient loss is minimized. -Weeds can not absorb water as no water is available for them. -Yield of crops are maximum. -Fertilizers can be used with high efficiency. -Weed are grown in less number. -Operational cost is low. -Soil erosion is not taken place. -Soil infiltration capacity is increased. Have you tried it?
Jun 10, 2014