Rajoo offers drip irrigation extrusion systems for round and flat dripper with servo-driven dripper insertion device for pipe OD ranging from 12 to 20mm at max output 300kg/hours and max line speed 150mpm.
To know more, visit: https://t.co/Qa8jC7xnB3
#RajooEngineers #Rajkot https://t.co/WIniyRk9BY
Rajoo offers drip irrigation extrusion systems for round and flat dripper with servo-driven dripper insertion device for pipe OD ranging from 12 to 20mm at max output 300kg/hours and max line speed 150mpm. To know more, visit: https://t.co/Qa8jC7xnB3 #RajooEngineers #Rajkot https://t.co/WIniyRk9BY
May 24, 2021