Rajoo offers drip irrigation extrusion systems for round and flat dripper with servo driven dripper insertion device max output 250kg hours Dripex is equipped with two stainless steel Vacuum sizing tank and cooling System for precise water pressure high corrosion resistant and long useful life The 3 axis mechanical adjustment system with lateral position control allows quick precise positioning The double belt haul off is provided for optimum pulling force and to prevent ovality in pipe Read More

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Rajoo Engineers, biodegradable film machine, nonwoven fabric machine, cup stacking machine, extruder for plastic, extrusion machinery, film inflation machine, green house film machine, hdpe pipe plant, inline dripper line, inline lateral pipe, machinery exporter, nine layer blown film machine, nonwoven bag making machine, plastic dunnage bag film, plastic Extruder, plastic processing equipment, plastic processing machinery, pvc conduit pipe, flexible pvc pipe, pvc medical pocket, pvc medical tube, pvc pipe diameter and thickness control, stretch film machine, thick thin sheet lines, thick thin sheet lines, twin screw pipe plant, twin screw pvc extruder, twin screw pvc pipe plant, wpc profile machine, sheet line , extrusion lines

Rajoo offers drip irrigation extrusion systems for round and flat dripper with servo driven dripper insertion device, max output 250kg/hours. Dripex is equipped with two stainless steel Vacuum sizing tank and cooling System for precise water pressure, high corrosion resistant and long useful life. The 3-axis mechanical adjustment system with lateral position control allows quick precise positioning. The double belt haul-off is provided for optimum pulling force and to prevent ovality in pipe.

Read More : http://goo.gl/OvwCLd

#RajooEngineers #Rajkot

Rajoo offers drip irrigation extrusion systems for round and flat dripper with servo driven dripper insertion device, max output 250kg/hours. Dripex is equipped with two stainless steel Vacuum sizing tank and cooling System for precise water pressure, high corrosion resistant and long useful life. The 3-axis mechanical adjustment system with lateral position control allows quick precise positioning. The double belt haul-off is provided for optimum pulling force and to prevent ovality in pipe. Read More : http://goo.gl/OvwCLd #RajooEngineers #Rajkot

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