Rajoo Engineers Limited has done pioneering developments in polymer foam extrusion in India and has emerged as the only supplier for foam extrusion lines christened Fomex using both blown film (Fomex – B) and sheet extrusion (Fomex – S) process using either chemical or physical foaming.
#RajooEngineers #Rajkot #PlasticMachinery #Machines #PlasticIndustry
Rajoo Engineers Limited has done pioneering developments in polymer foam extrusion in India and has emerged as the only supplier for foam extrusion lines christened Fomex using both blown film (Fomex – B) and sheet extrusion (Fomex – S) process using either chemical or physical foaming. #RajooEngineers #Rajkot #PlasticMachinery #Machines #PlasticIndustry
Apr 08, 2021