Exclusive interview of Mr. Sunil Jain (Director – Rajoo) at Plastindia 2018 with foresights of Plastic Industry with new product line and how Rajoo Engineers made the experience more interactive with Virtual Reality during the event.
#Plastindia2018 #ExclusiveInterview #RajooEngineers #Rajkot #PlasticMachinery #Machines #PlasticIndustry
Exclusive interview of Mr. Sunil Jain (Director – Rajoo) at Plastindia 2018 with foresights of Plastic Industry with new product line and how Rajoo Engineers made the experience more interactive with Virtual Reality during the event. #Plastindia2018 #ExclusiveInterview #RajooEngineers #Rajkot #PlasticMachinery #Machines #PlasticIndustry
Apr 06, 2018