A day to pray the creator of tools and machines and to seek his blessings for a progressive and prosperous life. Warm wishes on Vishwakarma Jayanti.
#VishwakarmaJayanti #VishwakarmaDay2020 #HappyVishwakarmaJayanti #RajooEngineers #PlasticMachinery #Machines #PlasticIndustry https://t.co/Atb5TEedL6
A day to pray the creator of tools and machines and to seek his blessings for a progressive and prosperous life. Warm wishes on Vishwakarma Jayanti. #VishwakarmaJayanti #VishwakarmaDay2020 #HappyVishwakarmaJayanti #RajooEngineers #PlasticMachinery #Machines #PlasticIndustry https://t.co/Atb5TEedL6
Feb 07, 2020